Angels Page 12
As Lucy watched her sister go, she had a horrible feeling that Frankie would be late home and Lucy would probably be fast asleep by then. That would mean that icky Daniel would be the only person who spoke to Frankie for the rest of the night.
Suddenly, Lucy shuddered. Icky Daniel was probably going to the airport with them tomorrow, too. They were leaving straight after the performance tomorrow.
So Lucy wouldn’t get a single chance to be alone with Frankie. She wouldn’t get a single chance to tell her sister how she really felt.
It had been a crazy morning. Lucy’s mum had forgotten to put peanut butter on her toast. Her dad kept moving Frankie’s bags, eventually stacking them all in a pile near the kitchen door, where Lucy kept on tripping over them.
Frankie was still in bed, which wasn’t unusual. Lucy had tried to wait up for her last night, but Frankie was just too late.
Lucy pulled on her pink shoes, and checked herself in the mirror on top of her dressing table. As she opened the top drawer to get out her necklace, she spotted her diary. She picked it up and popped it in her school bag. It would be good to write in it straight after the performance. Lucy found it was always good to write things down while they were still fresh in her mind.
Lucy took one last glance in the mirror. Then she picked up her bag, and headed towards the front door.
‘Good luck, honey,’ her mum called.
Lucy checked the time. If she didn’t hurry, she was going to be late. The performances were going to be held first thing in the morning in the multi-purpose room. Lucy shivered. The entire school was going to be there. And the entire school was going to watch the Angels do their thing!
‘Break a leg, Lou,’ her dad yelled.
‘Thanks … I think, ’ she called as she ran past him and out of the house.
The moment she walked through the school gates, Lucy was swamped by the other Angels. It was funny to see all the kids in her grade out of uniform and in their costumes.
The Devils looked really funny in their huge baggy jeans and giant T-shirts. Fake gold chains clinked around Luke’s neck as he approached the Angels.
‘Yo,’ he said, making a cutting motion with his hand like a rapper. ‘You Angels think you’re the best ever born, but you ain’t got nothing on the Devils’ horns!’
The Angels looked at each other, giggling. Then, Bonnie walked up to Luke, her arms crossed in front of her and her chest puffed out.
‘You Devils have got the whole thing wrong, just wait till you hear the Angels’ song,’ she rapped.
Lucy cracked up with the other Angels, and Luke swaggered back to the rest of his team.
Soon, the Devils’ chant was ringing out for the gazillionth time.
We’re the Devils, just beware!
We will beat you anywhere!
On the ground or in the air,
Devils! Devils!Yeah, yeah, yeah!
On the last yeah, Luke jumped high in the air. He looked back at the Angels, his eyes crossed and his tongue poked out.
‘Devils! Devils! Gross, gross, gross!’ Bonnie yelled out, mimicking the tune perfectly. Then, she pulled a face that was even funnier than Luke’s. She rolled her eyes right back in her head so you could only see the whites of her eyes.
Lucy started cracking up again. But suddenly she realised something shocking. Her face fell and she could feel her heart bumping hard against her rib cage.
The CD! She had forgotten the CD!
Lucy froze, and went very pale.
‘What’s wrong?’ Lola asked.
Lucy just shook her head. How could she have been so dumb? After all the work they’d done! She felt as though she was a rag doll, and someone had taken all the stuffing out of her.
‘What is it, Lou?’ Bonnie said urgently.
‘The CD,’ Lucy squeaked. ‘It’s in the pocket of my school skirt. At home!’
Lucy’s eyes were wide as she stared at the others. She imagined them being furious with her. When Chloe opened her mouth to speak, Lucy expected her to be really annoyed.
‘It’s OK, Luce,’ Chloe said. ‘Everyone makes mistakes.’
Lucy took a deep breath. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said shakily.
Chloe tilted her head to the side. ‘You can apologise later,’ she said with a smile. ‘Right now, we’d better hurry. We’ll call your parents and ask them to bring the CD to school, all right?’
Lucy was in a trance as she walked with the other Angels to the school office. Everything was going wrong and it was all her fault. She just hoped, desperately, that her mum or dad would answer the phone and bring the CD in before the Angels had to go on stage. But it was probably hopeless. They were probably already on their way to the performance.
Lucy watched in a daze as Chloe got permission to use the phone. She shook her head. She had to snap out of it! Right now! She had to fix her mistake, somehow.
Lucy took a deep breath and punched in her dad’s mobile number. After a pause, it started ringing. Lucy’s stomach churned.
Chloe nudged her. ‘Is he answering?’ she asked worriedly.
Lucy shook her head. ‘It’s ringing out.’
‘Try your mum’s phone,’ Chloe urged.
But Lucy’s mum didn’t answer her phone either.
‘There’s only one number left to try,’ Lucy whispered, feeling sick.
Lucy’s hand shook as she picked up the phone and dialled her home number.
‘Sorry we’re not here to take your call right now, but please leave a message after the beep.’
Lucy groaned. The answering machine! This was a disaster.
She waited as the machine beeped about twenty times. They would all be messages from Frankie’s friends, saying goodbye.
Finally, it was Lucy’s turn.
‘Mum, Dad … Frankie?’ she began.‘It’s Lucy. If you’re there … if you’re there, can one of you please get the CD out of the pocket of my school skirt? I think it’s on the floor in my bedroom. It’s really important. Can someone run it down to the school, really, really quickly? Please. It’s –’
Lucy sighed as the answering machine cut her off.
‘OK girls, back to the multi-purpose room right now,’ Mrs Clarke said, popping her head into the office. ‘The Devils are already on stage. Go!’
Lucy’s heart was really heavy as she walked with the Angels over to the multipurpose room. She could hear peals of laughter as they walked inside.
The younger kids were all at the very front, looking up at the stage. They were giggling madly at something the Devils had just done.
Lucy picked her way over to a spot on the floor, hurrying so she wouldn’t block the view of the kids behind her for too long. Then she looked up at the stage.
Joey spoke into the microphone. He looked really different in his rap clothes. His jeans were so big that Lucy wondered whether they were about to fall down.
Ms Diamond, she loves to give out stickers,
But I got so many,
I have to put them on my knickers!
The audience cracked up as Joey turned around. His underpants were showing above his jeans, and they were entirely covered with stickers!
Lucy was too nervous to laugh along.
But she watched as Luke grabbed the microphone from Joey.
Mr Paul, he rocks, he ain’t no bore,
But his tracksuits should be against the law!
Colour co-ordinated right up to his cap,
And now we’re finished with our Teacher Rap!
Applause exploded around the hall. Lucy stared at the huge cardboard clap-o-meter on the side of the stage. Mr Paul was twisting a handle on the back of it and swinging a giant red needle between the numbers, from one to five. The needle inched its way towards the four. It hovered and then moved past the four as the clapping and cheering grew even louder.
But suddenly, the sound of laughter drowned out the claps and cheers – Mr Paul had broken the clap-o-meter! The needle had snapped and fallen to the flo
or, leaving a sheepish Mr Paul holding just the handle!
‘Well, I guess we have to say that the Devils’ Teacher Rap was pretty popular,’ Mr Paul laughed. ‘Though I can’t think why!’
The crowd roared again as the Devils all bowed behind Mr Paul.
Lucy squinted in the darkness at a clock on the wall. It was no good. The Angels were supposed to go on next. They would just have to do the dance without the music.
Suddenly, Lucy felt a tap on her shoulder. When she looked around, she saw a dark figure reaching out to her. She could just make out a familiar pyjama sleeve, and then even more familiar purple fingernails, holding out … her CD!
‘Frankie!’ she yelled.
‘I can’t believe that in one minute we’re going to be dancing in front of the whole school,’ Sophie said nervously, as the Angels gathered at the side of the stage.
‘You’ll be fine, Soph,’ Lucy said. ‘We’ll all be fine. But there’s just one more thing,’ Lucy added, handing out some little metal charms. ‘Frankie got us all a star for our bracelets.’
Lola giggled as she took hers. ‘Because we’re stars!’ she said.
Sophie helped Lucy with her charm. ‘Maybe we should do the hair thing that Frankie showed us after all?’ she said quietly to Lucy.
‘Great idea!’ Lucy grinned. The other Angels nodded happily.
Suddenly, the music rang out across the hall and the girls leapt onto the stage.
Lucy looked down into the crowd. Frankie was sitting right in the middle of the front row, with all the little kids! Lucy smiled at her and gave her a quick wave. Frankie’s eyes shone with pride.
And then the Angels danced.
Lucy felt the music pump through her veins as she moved. She saw the other Angels twist and turn and throw their hair back dramatically. Everyone was moving perfectly as one. She saw kids in the audience leaning forward for a better view of the stage.
Then, she stopped thinking of anything other than the dance and the music. And she had the best fun she’d had in her entire life. Ever!
As the music faded, the hall was completely silent for a second. The Angels stayed on stage. Lucy felt as though they’d all been frozen into icicles. No-one moved.
Then the clapping began. It started softly, as though people were still too surprised by the dance to clap. But then, it grew louder and louder. Soon, kids were thumping their feet on the floor as well as clapping!
The Angels looked at each other, grinning madly. Then they turned to the audience and waved goodbye.
Lucy grinned. If the clap-o-meter hadn’t broken, the Angels would definitely have seen the needle go even higher than it had after the Devils’ performance! But Lucy didn’t need a clap-o-meter to know that the Angels had done something really special.
As they walked off stage, Lucy took another look in the front row. Frankie’s spot was empty. Lucy’s heart lurched in her chest. She was going to have to get used to Frankie not being there – not being anywhere nearby – and for a whole year! Lucy swallowed and took a deep breath. She reminded herself that Frankie probably had hundreds of things to do before they left for the airport that afternoon. Like change out of her pyjamas, for instance!
‘Hey, we’d better go back to our seats,’ Chloe said, beaming at Lucy. ‘The Super Stars are on in five minutes.’
‘I’ll be there in a sec,’ Lucy replied, grabbing her bag, and feeling around for her diary. Even if Lucy didn’t get a chance to talk to Frankie before she left, she was going to the airport to see her off. And she was going to make sure Frankie knew how she felt.
There was going to be a surprise tucked into her hand luggage.
Lucy smiled at Chloe as she took her pen and diary out of her bag.
‘You go, Chloe. I’ll be there in a sec.
There’s something I have to do first.’
‘I can’t believe Mrs Clarke won’t just tell us who won the performance challenge!’ sighed Annabelle. She and the other Angels had just arrived at school.
The week before there had been a big concert in the multi-purpose room for the final Team Terrific challenge. The clap-o-meter was going to be used to judge which act was the best, but Mr Paul broke it! So now it was up to Mrs Clarke to decide which team won. But she was keeping quiet.
Bonnie swung her school bag onto her shoulder. ‘We definitely won,’ she said. ‘Everyone went crazy after we’d finished.’
‘We did get lots of claps,’ agreed Chloe, ‘but so did the Devils. Their rap was actually pretty good. I would’ve clapped for them myself, except it’s hard to clap with my arm in a cast!’
‘They were really funny,’ giggled Sophie. ‘I couldn’t stop laughing when Luke said that Mr Paul’s tracksuits should be illegal!’
Lola sneaked up behind Sophie and tickled her ribs. ‘But that’s because you luuuurve Luke,’ she said, cheekily.
Sophie side-stepped away from her. ‘Don’t start that again,’ she groaned. ‘I so don’t love him.’
‘All the acts were great,’ said Annabelle. ‘I thought the Super Stars were awesome.’ Annabelle’s bestie Nicole was in the Super Stars. Annabelle had been proud watching her performance. But she had felt just the tiniest bit sad, too. It had been ages since she’d hung out with Nicole. In fact, she’d hardly seen her since this whole Team Terrific project started.
‘Hey, look!’ said Bonnie suddenly, pointing to the car park. ‘There’s Mrs Clarke now. Let’s ask her who won.’
Chloe laughed. ‘There’s no way she’ll tell you!’ she said.
But Bonnie was already waving to the principal. ‘Hi, Mrs Clarke,’ she said, as Mrs Clarke walked past. ‘That’s a lovely jacket you’re wearing today!’
Mrs Clarke stopped in front of the Angels. ‘Thank you, Bonnie,’ she said. ‘Is there something you want from me?’
Annabelle couldn’t help giggling. There was no way you could sweet-talk Mrs Clarke. She always saw through it!
‘Um, well, we were just wondering if you could please tell us who won the Be Creative challenge last week,’ said Bonnie. ‘We won’t tell anyone, promise.’
Mrs Clarke laughed. ‘Nice try,’ she said. ‘But you’ll have to wait until the awards night on Thursday, just like everyone else.’
Awards night. Annabelle shivered with excitement just hearing the words. She imagined a huge room, filled with people. There would be a red carpet for the guests to walk on. And lots of cameras flashing everywhere!
The best part was that Thursday was only two days away. Then we’ll find out which team gets their names engraved on the Team Terrific plaque, thought Annabelle, doing a little twirl. The huge new plaque had been hanging outside Mrs Clarke’s office since Team Terrific started. At the moment it was completely blank. But Annabelle could already imagine how amazing it would look with the Angels’ names engraved on it!
Then Annabelle thought of something. ‘Excuse me, Mrs Clarke,’ she said. ‘I’m on the awards night squad. But I’m not sure what I’m meant to be doing.’
‘Don’t worry, Annabelle,’ said Mrs Clarke. ‘There will be an announcement about that this morning.’
‘Oh, OK,’ said Annabelle, smiling. It had been hard watching while the other Angels had a turn at leading a challenge. She had got to help Chloe organise the dog wash, but that wasn’t the same as being the leader. None of that mattered anymore though, because finally it was Annabelle’s turn to be in charge of something.
This is going to be fun, thought Annabelle happily as she and the other Angels walked to their classrooms. An awards night is sort of like a party. And I love throwing parties!
Since Team Terrific had started, Mr Stavros had let everyone sit with the kids from their team. So Annabelle had been sitting with her cousin Sophie, and Lola. But that morning, Mr Stavros stopped them before they sat down.
‘OK, kiddos,’ he said. ‘The challenges are over now. Everyone back to your old seats, please.’
Annabelle felt her heart sink. I don’t want Team Terrific t
o be over, she thought sadly.
Then Sophie put up her hand. ‘Mr Stavros, where should I go?’
Lola’s hand shot up. ‘There’s a space next to me, Mr Stavros,’ she said, sounding excited.
‘Cool!’ said Sophie, going over and sitting next to Lola.
Annabelle felt a pang of sadness. Sometimes she still wanted to look after her cousin, like she had when Sophie had first started at this school. But she’s not the new girl anymore, Annabelle reminded herself. And she’s got other friends now.
‘Psst, Belle!’ called a voice. Annabelle turned and saw Nicole waving madly. Annabelle grinned. It was sad she wasn’t sitting with the other Angels. But at least she could go back to sitting next to her bestie! They had sat together ever since they started school.
Everything’s back to normal! Thought Annabelle as she sat down.
Mr Stavros gave them lots of work. Annabelle was so busy that she hardly had a chance to speak to Nicole. But luckily, it seemed like no time at all before the recess bell rang.
‘I’ve brought some magazines today,’ said Nicole, as Annabelle pulled out her drink from her bag. ‘Shall we go and read them together?’
But then Annabelle spotted Bonnie and Lucy near the oval, waving to Sophie and Lola. ‘Oh, I better just check if there’s an Angels meeting on,’ she said.
Annabelle hurried over to Bonnie. Sophie and Lola were not far away, doing handstands.
‘Have we got an Angels meeting today?’ she asked.
Bonnie shook her head. ‘Why would there be?’ she said. ‘Team Terrific is almost over. There are no more challenges to prepare for.’
I don’t want Team Terrific to be over, Annabelle thought. ‘I just thought there might be some other Angels stuff we need to talk about,’ she said hopefully.
‘I don’t know about you but I’m over having meetings everyday,’ said Bonnie.